If you are looking for top recommended a Chargers & Adapters, then Asus 90W AC Adapter Laptop Charger K55 K55A K55N K55VD K53E K52F K50I K50IJ K52J K53 K53SV K53TA K53U K55VM K60IJ K73E N53 N56VZ N56V N56VJ N56DP N56VM N76 Power Cord (700363000000) is our suggestion. Many good reviews already proving the quality of this product. And also you are going to satisfy with the reasonable cost in case you compare with the other similar item which is on the internet. If you wish to know further of this products, just read its main features below.
Product is very good!
- ASUS Original 90W Charger
- Output: 19V 4.74A 90W
- Compatible with: Asus K55 K55A K55N K55VD K53E K52F K50I K50IJ K52J K53 K53SV K53TA K53U K55VM K60IJ K73E N53 N56VZ N56V N56VJ N56DP N56VM N76
Asus 90W Laptop Charger for use with selected Asus laptops - 5.5*2.5mm
Title: Asus 90W AC Adapter Laptop Charger K55 K55A K55N K55VD K53E K52F K50I K50IJ K52J K53 K53SV K53TA K53U K55VM K60IJ K73E N53 N56VZ N56V N56VJ N56DP N56VM N76 Power Cord (700363000000)
Category: Chargers & Adapters
Brand: Asus
If this is a MUST HAVE product, be sure ORDER NOW to avoid disappointment. Get the Cheapest Price on the web we have looked the web.
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I hope you found this article helpful in determining what the best product is for you.