![[UL Listed] 6ft 2-Slot 18 AWG Power Cord Cable Compatible Xbox One S Slim Game Console,Xbox One X, Sony PS2 PS3 PS4(Slim Edition), PSP, PSV](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41rITG-qHgL.jpg)
If you want for top recommended a Power Cables, then [UL Listed] 6ft 2-Slot 18 AWG Power Cord Cable Compatible Xbox One S Slim Game Console,Xbox One X, Sony PS2 PS3 PS4(Slim Edition), PSP, PSV is our suggestion. Many good reviews already proving the quality of this product. And also you are going to satisfy with the reasonable cost in case you compare with the other similar item which is on the internet. If you wish to know further of this products, just read its main features below.
Product is very good!
- Compatible With: Xbox One S Slim Game Console,Xbox One X, Sony PS2 PS3 PS4(Slim Edition) ,PSP, PSV.
- Power Cord Type: 2-Slot, 18 AWG x 2C, 250V 10A.
- UL Certified: E365821. Giving You Much More Safety Guarantee While Using It.
- Power Cord Length: 6FT.
- High Quality 2 Prong Power Cord, Life Time Warranty and Customer Support.
[UL Listed] 2-slot Non-polarization Power Cord:
Xbox One X
For Xbox One S
Sony PS2 PS3 PS4(Slim Edition)
PSVITA 1000 2000
Sony PSP 1000 2000 3000
Other Product:
Xbox One Power Cord: B074V3JZXQ (Copy And Search On Amazon)
Title: [UL Listed] 6ft 2-Slot 18 AWG Power Cord Cable Compatible Xbox One S Slim Game Console,Xbox One X, Sony PS2 PS3 PS4(Slim Edition), PSP, PSV
Category: Power Cables
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I hope you found this article helpful in determining what the best product is for you.